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How AI is Impacting SEO: Opportunities and Limitations

A robotic hand and human hand touching each other in front of a blue background.

The latest prominent discussion in the digital space revolves around artificial intelligence and its impact on the digital marketing landscape, particularly search engine optimization.

In the early days of SEO, efforts to improve search rankings were mainly focused on keywords and backlinks. Although these factors are still significant in modern-day SEO, there is much more that goes into optimizing your website.

In this article, we will delve into the challenges that may arise when over-relying on AI for SEO, and also explore the advantages of integrating AI into SEO practices.

Limitations That Come With Using AI for SEO 

Like any technological tool, AI has its drawbacks. We’ll discuss three major setbacks that using AI for SEO presents.

Generative Content  

The first setback that using AI presents for SEO is creating content that is highly automated and less personal to users. Although AI is good for writing some content ideas, the highly automated nature does not allow for generation of content that users can connect with.

With the increasing demand for a connection between users and the services and products that brands provide, solely using AI creates content that lacks the personal connection that consumers want.

AI-generated content for SEO lacks that piece that should connect users to your brand. To understand better why connecting with your audience is so important check out our previous blog post.

Copyright Issues 

Since AI tools do not generate content from scratch but rather from data they are trained on, this presents the risk of copyright infringement. Directly using AI-generated content for SEO efforts puts you at risk of using information that you do not have permission to.

Verifying AI Sources, checking for factual errors, keeping an eye out for any bias in generated content, and always crediting the original creator of the data you use, are some good ways to prevent copyright infringement when using AI to generate content for SEO.

When choosing a font size, you can use the same font or two separate fonts for your email headline and body. A good practice is to use a larger font size for the headline text, but you can also use a different color and or bold for a more distinct header. Doing this will make your email easier to read and scan through. 

Data Limitation 

AI algorithms rely on large amounts of data to identify patterns and make predictions. When there is limited data available, the accuracy of the predictions can be compromised. Without sufficient data, AI algorithms may struggle to accurately predict search engine rankings, keyword performance, and other important SEO metrics.

For example, Chat GPT is limited to data before 2021. Relying solely on AI means that your website may not have the most up-to-date information and if users do not find your page relevant this may affect your page rankings.

Limited data can also lead to inaccurate recommendations for website optimization, which can ultimately harm the website’s search engine visibility and traffic.

Duplicate Content

Duplicate content is a significant challenge that can arise when implementing AI in SEO. Consider a scenario where numerous marketers ask ChatGPT similar questions and use the exact responses as content on their websites.

According to Google, “If Google finds multiple pages that seem to be the same or the primary content very similar, it chooses the page that is objectively the most complete and useful for search users.” In essence, Google tends to recommend one page from the duplicates, the one deemed most valuable to search users.

This selection process means that in a sea of identical content, the likelihood of your page ranking high is low. Having multiple pages with identical information doesn’t serve your SEO efforts effectively. It’s crucial to emphasize the need for unique and valuable content when integrating AI into your SEO strategy to avoid the pitfalls of duplicate content.

The Right Way to Leverage AI for SEO 

Although AI has some limitations when it comes to SEO, there are still ways to leverage AI to improve your SEO strategy.

We’ll discuss a few!

Keyword Research

Proper keyword research enhances the effectiveness of your content and helps you understand your audience better based on what they’re searching and interested in.

AI-powered keyword research tools can help with better keyword targeting by providing insight into which keywords will drive the most traffic and conversions.

AI tools can also help you narrow down a list of keywords into a few most important ones and generate additional related keywords that will be relevant to your audience.

Content Topic Ideas 

Using generative AI tools like ChatGPT can be a fantastic way to kickstart your brainstorming process. According to SEO.AI Industry surveys, found that “88% of copywriters think their content quality has gone up since they started using AI.” This data proves that generative AI can produce quality content ideas that can be useful in your SEO strategy.

Leveraging generative AI’s capacity to generate lists and topic ideas can significantly enhance your ability to create initial drafts and find connections between topics more efficiently than you normally would.

Chatbots and Virtual Assistants 

Users want answers quickly, but maintaining a dedicated customer support team can be costly and time-consuming, AI takes care of this while also improving user experience through chatbots and Virtual Assistants.

By integrating Chatbots and virtual assistants into your SEO strategy, you ultimately create a more seamless experience for users.

When users find valuable information on your page, and have a great experience they usually stay engaged longer, this increases your chances of ranking higher, leading to more organic recommendations and may help improve your page rankings.

AI is a hot topic in SEO and offers a lot of benefits to marketers, but don’t jump in too fast.

While AI is fantastic, it’s not a magic solution that can handle all your optimization needs. There are still limits to what AI can do to help SEO.


In summary, we’ve explored in this article how AI is reshaping the way we approach SEO and offering numerous opportunities to enhance our digital marketing efforts.

While AI empowers us with remarkable tools and insights, it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. Balancing the opportunities and limitations that AI presents for SEO is crucial for achieving the best results.

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Fisayo Adesola

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